Home Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Fanuc IC693UDR005 PLC

Fanuc IC693UDR005 PLC

Fanuc IC693UDR005 PLC
Manufacturer: Fanuc

The high-speed DC output GE Fanuc 90-30 IC693UDR005 can be configured for PWM, pulse train, or HSC output. The GE Fanuc 90-30 IC693UDR005 is a Micro PLC with relay output. GE Fanuc 90-30 IC693UDR005 has 16 DC inputs, 1 DC output, and 11 relay outputs with a power supply of 100 to 240 VAC.

Features Model
  • Weight: 3.00 lbs.
Mfr. Part No. Description
IC693UDR005 Weight: 3.00 lbs.


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